Student Council helping student body maintain sense of normalcy

Posted November 2020

By Jonas Hobson-Reeves

Staff Reporter

Student Council is a well recognized group of students, and most students understand how the council works, but how is it working in this time where no one can interact physically with one another?

There are currently nine Student Council members per grade, freshmen through seniors, which makes up the whole council, adding up to 36 total members. When the council meets virtually each month after school, they use Zoom instead of Google Meet. The current leaders are all juniors and seniors who were elected last spring, before the COVID shut down. These juniors and seniors meet everyday during fourth period. The rest of the council joins them in the monthly Meet after school.

Student Council still has the same responsibilities while in COVID distance learning. They attend virtual meetings with outside groups, including the PTSA, the Dads Club, and the School Board. The council is currently in the process of planning a community service project through the CommuniCare foundation. Larger in-person events are not scheduled because of COVID, but that is not one of the biggest parts of the Student Council anyway.

Student Council is also in charge of the virtual assemblies that come out every month, which are meant to inform, entertain, and recognize students. The juniors and seniors who attend Student Council class, as well as advisor Amber Cowgill, discuss what should be included in the assemblies; then they decide and divide who will record which segment. When all of the videos are recorded, they are sent to Cowgill who edits them and adds the effects.

“We are continually getting better at them, and are trying to get the school to possibly pay for a video editing software,” said Student Council junior Taj O'Malley.