Dean attendance in Google Meet classes to continue

Posted December 2020

By Elizabeth Philbrick

Staff Editor

With students going into the second quarter of the school year, they will continue to notice the appearance of deans in their Google Meet classes.

Ever since Distance Learning started back in September, students have found that the deans have been popping into their classes during the day. It’s not uncommon for deans to drop into classes. Similarly, they dropped into class on campus before Distance Learning.

“[We want to] keep things as normal as we can going into Distance Learning.”

- Assistant Principal Joe Talley

There are multiple reasons why these pop-ins have been occurring. They’ve been popping in for disciplinary issues, security, student behavior, and the expanding mentor program. A lot of helpful feedback has been reported. There were limited issues when first starting the school year, but as weeks went by, those issues were able to be solved. They’re able to check on the mentors and students’ attendance by dropping by.

With CDL, it’s a chance to explore an expansion for the mentor program. It’s hard to concentrate while doing school at home, so it helps if someone’s checking in on the students. It helps the students be successful, as mentors can help the students attend more often and stay on track for graduation.

“[We want to] keep things as normal as we can going into Distance Learning,” said assistant principal Joe Talley.

After incidents regarding Google Meets at Townsend Harris High School, the Queens, New York school had to transfer classes from Meet to Zoom. Three reports of students posting inappropriate materials during class meetings caused the switch.