Speaking and Refugee Resettlement

Language Skills and Strategies in focus: Registers, Formal debate, Adverbs of frequency

Age & Level:  B1/ high school age / mixed background 

Length of Lesson: 90 mins

Preparations Before Class: 5 mins
Print out worksheets for students (in person class)
Cut out cards for discussion bingo (in person class)
Pull up the Presentation Slides, BEFORE class.

Materials Needed:  In-Person: Computer with HDMI, Internet, projector, paper & writing utensils / Virtual: Computer with Zoom pre-downloaded, Internet, (break-out room capability)

Lesson Plan Objectives

  1. ARTICULATE obstacles and supports for refugees on their journeys and in their adjustment to the host country. 
  2. FORMULATE a creative story based on relevant information and imagery.  
  3. DICTATE written texts and write down dictated texts.  
  4.  DISCUSS what they know, want to know, and have learned about refugees.  
  5. DEBATE on contemporary global issues. 

Warm up: Discussion Bingo

Time: 10 minutes

LP2_Lesson Slides

Vocabulary Review:

Asylum: the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee

Assimilate: take in or get used to (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully

Visa/Green Card: a permit allowing a foreign national to live and work permanently in the US.

Border:  a line separating two political or geographical areas, especially countries

Identity:  the fact of being who or what a person or thing is

Migration: movement of people or things from one part of something to another.

Activity 1: Reflect River

Time: 20 minutes

Boulders (obstacles)

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Student Examples:


Anti-Immigration Laws

Detention Facilites

Tributaries (supports)

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Student Examples:



Pro-Asylum Policy

Activity 2: Debate - Fact Finding Through Speaking

Time: 40 minutes

Warm up: 5 minutes

Listen to video: 2:30 minutes

Worksheet: 10 minutes

Debate: 20 minutes

Revisit: 2 minutes

Wrap up: Putting Together Refugee Narratives

Time: 20 minutes


Tips for writing narratives based on images:

Take a long look, and think about the images while words begin to form.

Start writing, even if it is just taking notes.

Think about Who, What, When, Where, Why, How.

Use lots of Adjectives.