The Wealth Gap
Global Wealth Gap
Educational Inequality
Housing Inequality
Additional Resources
The Wealth Gap is an economic term used to describe the gap in wealth between the rich and poor on a global scale. This gap according to many researchers is increasing steadily. This issue is seen by many as a problematic trend that needs to be addressed in all parts of the world.
In each 90-minute lesson, we will discuss the definition of global wealth with a focus on the US in the first lesson and provide two examples of the Wealth Gap with Housing and Education in the second and third lessons respectively.
The intention is for students to be able to adequately understand the underlying issue and be able to articulate their thoughts and opinions on the subject while also learning English vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation through this content based lesson.
Age and Level: 13-18; High School Students: CERF levels B1-B2
Length of Lessons: 90 minutes per section
Skills Targeted: Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation
Below is a copy of the lesson all three plans in a Google Doc