Representation Within US School and Society

Representation Within Us School and Society 

Age and Level: B1, Middle School

Length of Lesson: 90 minutes

Prior learning related to this lesson: Students have just begun a unit on bilingual education by learning more about their cultures and languages last week, along with benefits of bilingualism. Now they are going to learn more about how students of different cultures are treated within the US school system. 

Materials Needed:

Learning Objectives

Warm Up

Name Inequality

Time: 10 minutes

LO Targeted: #1

Steps and Teacher Directions:

Reading Activity

Separate is Never Equal Reading Practice

Time: 20 minutes

LO Targeted: #2

Steps and Teacher Directions:

Pre-Debate Activity

Debate Review and Practice

Time: 10 minutes

LO Targeted: #3

Steps and Teacher Directions:


English-Only Education Debate

Time: 45 minutes

LO Targeted: #3

Steps and Teacher Directions:

Wrap Up and Applications (Connections)

Class Wrap Up

Time: 5 minutes

LO Targeted: #1

Steps and Teacher Directions:

References and Further Reading

Book Separate is Never Equal Found from: source

Navajo Names found from: source