Lesson 3: The Future and How We Change It

Focus on Pronunciation

Learning Objectives (SWBAT= Students Will Be Able To)

Full lesson plan on Google Docs:   

Lesson Plan #3


Time: 5-10 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #1


Warm-Up & Pre-Pronunciation Activity

Activity: Watch - Think - Repeat

Time: 10 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #1


Optional: If you would prefer to use something other than names, we recommend starting with more common words. 

    Scaffolding: Give students the opportunity to watch the video more than once if they are still unsure of the concept and clapping. You may also utilize Youtube’s playback speed options to speed up or slow down the video. 

Pronunciation Activity

Activity: Deconstruct and Reconstruct: Learning Legal Jargon

Time: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #1


Scaffolding: Groups can be larger or smaller depending on class size. If some of the vocabulary is too difficult, reveal the syllables of the word to the class, letting them practice each syllable, then put it back together to properly form the word. At the end of the activity, you may hand students Pronunciation Practice with Vocabulary handouts so that they may refer to this at home when completing their homework. 

Post-Pronunciation Activity

Activity: PSA: Pronunciation - Learning to Produce Sound and Sympathy for a Cause

Time: 15-20 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #2


Scaffolding: Use the list provided here to ask students comprehension check questions. 

Wrap Up/Application/Homework

Activity: Develop and Design Your Own PSA

Time: 15-20 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #3 and #4
