The World We Live In

Video Activity

Man Destroying Earth

Length of Activity: 

13 minutes


Devices to show and project this video:

Learning Objectives:

SWBAT describe scenes in a short video about the environment using the present progressive

SWBAT discuss current sustainability topics 


1. Prompt the students to brainstorm any words they know related to climate change and sustainability. As they offer words and phrases, write them on the board, creating a word web. 

2. Review the present progressive form: be + -ing. Ask students to generate present progressive sentences with a partner using the words on the board (related to climate change and sustainability). E.g., The children are learning to reuse and recycle

3. Arrange students in two lines at the front of the class room. One line has their back to the screen where the video will be shown. The other line can view the screen. 

4. Play the video without sound. Have the students facing the screen describe the first half of the video to their partner. Pause at the halfway point and have students trade places. Continue showing the film without sound and have the students facing the screen describe what is happening.

5. After this speaking task, have students sit down and show the video again with sound. Then engage the learners in a discussion about the message in the video.