College (Affirmative Action)

Learning Objectives

1. SWBAT Formulate clarifying questions based on the given listening text and vocabulary. 

2. SWBAT Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of affirmative action.

3. SWBAT  List and describe the role and impact of affirmative action. 

4. SWBAT Recount the main points of the video. 

5. SWBAT Interpret their false identity in relation to privilege, affirmative action and income. 

Full lesson plan on Google Docs:   

Lesson Plan #2

Warm Up

Activity: Word Web Warm Up

Learning Objectives Targeted: #1 & #3

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Read out the definition of affirmative action and write on a white board in the center affirmative action with a circle around it and say we will be doing a word web as a class. 


Pre-Listening Activity 

Time: 20 mins 

Activity: Privilege Walk

Learning Objectives Targeted: #5

Steps & Teacher Directions

ASK: Does anyone notice anything about who is at the front or who is at the back? Why were these cards randomly assigned, and what does this tell you about why affirmative action came about?


While Listening Activity 

Time: 15 min

Activity: Guided Notes

Learning Objectives Targeted: #1 & #4

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

While-Listening Part 2 

Time: 15 min

Activity: What do you think?

Learning Objectives Targeted: #3

Steps & Teacher Directions: 


Time: 20 min

Activity: Discussing pro’s and con’s

Learning Objectives Targeted: #2

Steps & Teacher Directions

Wrap Up 

Activity: Discussion about how some privilege is a result of school district or income level

Steps & Teacher Directions

Caveats and Options


During pre-listening activity, feel free to create more identities than just the ones provided. The teacher can change the flashcards and statements if they would like to for the privilege walk activity. The discussions can be done as a whole class or as pairs depending on the class size and how the teacher would like to lead the activity.


The privilege walk is a sensitive topic, so be aware of emotions this may bring up with your students.


Appendix A: 

A1:  Link to video

A2: Link to worksheet

A3: Privilege walk cards

A4: Privilege walk statements

Appendix B: 

                 B1: Reference to what a word web looks like:


        B2: Definitions and relations to the word web