Lesson 2:

Ocean Acidification

Heating isn't the only detrimental effect that climate change can have on the ocean. When exposed to carbon dioxide, ocean water becomes more acidic. This can damage marine life and have detrimental effects on the ecosystem, so this unit aims to break down this little-discussed topic.  

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

#1 - Discuss the effects of ocean acidification on a variety of marine species as well as humans.

#2 - Analyze the consequences of ocean acidification on marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

#3 - Use reported speech to effectively convey information orally.

#4 - Use superlatives and comparatives to convey information in oral and written speech.

#5 - Work collaboratively with others to think critically and discuss the impacts of ocean acidification upon various life forms, with an emphasis on the interconnected nature of the issue.

Class Time Needed for Activity: 90 minutes


Preparation Time:  15 - 17 minutes


Resources Needed:

Introductory Blurb: Students have previously been exposed to basic information about oceans and how oceans suffer from climate change, so this unit is meant to provide further details into how the impact on oceans affects all the creatures of Earth. The purpose of this lesson is to further students’ abilities in English while learning about the issue of ocean acidification. Students will learn about how this problem impacts the Earth as a whole, with a specific focus on marine life and humans. 

Lesson 2 - Acidification


Depending on how successful the previous lesson was (which included most of the technicalities of oceanic terms), you may need to spend more time going over the terms and scientific concepts, as some students may have less background knowledge about climate change. Check in with students before beginning to see if further scaffolding is needed: see how comfortable they feel with what they learned last time, as it bleeds into the unit as a whole. Don’t move too quickly through anything, as you don’t want students to feel overwhelmed. 



Different options for the mini-activities and discussions are included in the teacher notes section of the slides. Different options for conducting the Marine Mingling Speaking Activity are included in the “Options” section of the document. 


References and Further Reading: 



Appendix A: https://flip.com/s/5zh-Jh916WU5 (Flip.com example video for Final Video Assessment)

Appendix B: Ocean Acidification Information


Appendix C: Ocean Acidification Slides for Lesson 2

Appendix D: Comparative & Superlative Table and Practice Worksheet

Appendix E: Marine Mingling Speaking Activity