What does Gender Equality look like?
Lesson Details
Title of Lesson: What does Gender Equality look like? (Speaking)
Listening Skills and Strategies in focus: Reflection & Presentation
Learner Level: B2 & C1
Length of Lesson: 90 minutes
Materials Needed:
Warm up: Chalkboard/whiteboard, chalk/dry-erase markers
Reading: Computers or print sheets of the article
Practice: Paper and pencils, One handout for each group (Appendix C)
Presentation: N/A
Wrap up: One handout for each student (Appendix D)
Learning Objectives/ Students will be able to:
(1) Engage in a class discussion on the previous lesson
(2) Read articles in groups
(3) Write a script based on the article they read
(4) Grade peers based on a rubric
(5) Present skit in front of peers
Activity: Review Exit tickets
Time: 5-10 minutes
Materials: Chalkboard/whiteboard, chalk/dry-erase markers
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Write the exit ticket questions from last time on the board (Appendix A )
Have students talk about their answers in a small group of 4-5 students
Afterwards ask groups to share what they talked about
Learning Objective(s) Targeted:
(1) Engage in a class discussion on the previous lesson
Activity: Grouping and Reading
Time: 15-20 minutes
Materials: Computers or print sheets of the article
Article Link: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/05/five-stories-that-show-women-fighting-sexism-around-the-world/
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Put students into groups of 2-3
Assign each group one of the five stories to read. The stories are about women all over the world fighting sexism (There can be more than one group reading the same story)
Story options are:
“My husband accuses me of abandoning my children”
“In most cases men will feel degraded if I arrest them”
“When I arrive home, I wash my hands and head straight to the kitchen”
“Gaining visibility brought with it death threats from the religious extremists”
“My first battle was to save my own girls”
Give students time to read and talk about their story with their group mates
Learning Objective(s) Targeted:
(2) Read articles in groups
Activity: Script writing and Editing
Time: 30-35 minutes
Materials: Paper and pencils, One handout for each group (Appendix C)
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Have students write a short script in their groups based on the rubric given (Appendix C) this should take about 15-20 minutes
Once students are finished have them pair up with another group
Each group should switch their scripts and give feedback based on the rubric (Appendix C) this should take about 10 minutes
Then have groups separate so they can edit their script based on the feedback given from the other group 5 minutes
Teacher should walk around and offer help to groups
Learning Objective(s) Targeted:
(3) Write a script based on the article they read
(4) Grade peers based on a rubric
Sample Skit
Article: “My husband accuses me of abandoning our children”
Student #1 (Laura Bosnea)
Student #2 (Interviewer)
S2: Hello, Laura thank you for meeting with me!
S1: No problem!
S2: Tell me about your marriage.
S1: When I got married my father made me promise to finish law school, but I had kids and I couldn't continue.
S2: That sounds difficult.It seems like you have found a way to make a difference in your community despite the challenges.
S1: Yes, I got involved in community affairs and in 2015 I was elected into the local council. My husband accuses me of abandoning our children, but my purpose is to help others and fight for justice.
S2: What are some of your accomplishments as counselor?
S1: 79 Roma children have been registered in schools, street lights have been installed as well as garbage bins.
S2: Wow! That's amazing! Thank you for meeting with me!
S1: Thank you for having me!
Activity: Act out script to different groups
Time: 20-25 minutes
Materials: N/A
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Have students pair up with a different group than before and act out their skit, both groups should be able to act out their skit
After each group has presented to the other group, have groups talk about how their skit related to their article
Teacher should walk around and observe each group
Learning Objective(s) Targeted:
(5) Present skit in front of peers
Activity: Assign final projects
Time: 5-10 minutes
Materials: Exit ticket sheets
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Hand students the directions for their final projects (Appendix )
Briefly talk about expectations for this project
Learning Objective(s) Targeted:
Braun, N. (n.d.). Five stories that show women fighting sexism around the world. World Economic Forum.
Appendix A
Exit Ticket
What is something you knew about gender equality from before today’s lesson?
What is something you learned?
Do you think gender in-equality is a problem in your society/country? Why or why not?
Appendix C
Skit Rubric & Directions:
In your group write a script based on the reading your group had. You will have to act out this script so make sure that each student has a part in the story.
Appendix D
Final Project Directions
Find a story about gender equality, similar to the one you read about in class
Write out a script based on the story you find
Script must be written in the style of a news report
Film yourself giving a “News Report”
News report should be 2-5 minutes in length
Final news reports will be shown during the next class