Gender Around the World


We introduce students to the concept of stereotypes and how they may be at play in our everyday lives. In this lesson students learn how implementing gender roles can begin from birth and the consequences they may have later in life.

Around the World

We contextualize our analysis of gender by understanding that the lack of a binary system is a historical and multicultural phenomenon throughout the world, and the "gender revolution" cannot simply be attributed to modern Western culture.

Movie Magic

Students use the knowledge and reflection they have practiced in the past two lessons to think critically about symbols and concepts we see in modern culture, and at the end of the lesson will have produced their own film about a topic relating to gender. 

Unit Summary

Gender is a concept that not only changes with time, but varies tremendously around the world. There are many consequences in the lives of individuals that result from looking at gender through a narrow lens. Let us explore examples of such consequences, and additionally expand our knowledge and understanding of gender as a whole.

In this social justice unit, there are three 90 minute lessons discussing how gender as a concept influences different facets of life across the globe. These lessons are written for middle or high school B1 Intermediate level learners, but can be adapted for any level by the teacher should they find these resources helpful.

Please contact for questions and feedback regarding our "Gender Around the World" unit!