Lesson #3:

 Phrasal Verbs through Storytelling



Lesson Overview

Title: Phrasal Verbs through Storytelling

Learner Level: CEFR C1/C2

Context: Teen & Adult Learners

What are phrasal verbs? What events can lead up to becoming homeless? What have I learned about the housing crisis? Are stigmas correct or incorrect?

This lesson serves as a wrap-up to this exploration of stigma and the housing crisis. Students will discuss further problems that homeless people may experience, complete a “choose your adventure” style activity, and be able to talk about the misconceptions, stigma, and problems revolving around this crisis.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to (SWBAT): 

1.  SWBAT: Use inferences to describe a picture

2. SWBAT: Speak with diverse peers about lesson context

3. SWBAT: Use unit vocabulary while speaking and writing

4. SWBAT: identify phrasal verbs and apply them with guidance while speaking and writing 

5. SWBAT: Use Flipgrid technology to speak about misconceptions and problems surrounding people that homeless


Approximate Time Required: 2 minutes

Steps & Teacher Directions:

Warm Up Activity: Picture Inferencing

Make a story about the picture (Appendix A)

Approximate Time Required: 15 minutes

Steps & Teacher Directions:


Pre-Listening Activity: Grammar Lesson

Topic: Phrasal Verbs

Approximate Time Required: 20 minutes

Steps & Teacher Directions:

Listening Activity: Simulation

Misconceptions and problems surrounding people that are homeless

Approximate Time Required: 30 minutes

Steps & Teacher Directions:

Post-Listening Activity: Flipgrid

Informal Assessment/Wrap Up

Approximate Time Required: Homework

Steps & Teacher Directions:

Students are encouraged to watch/listen to other students' Flipgrids to hear several perspectives or paths they could have experienced, however students are required to respond to at least 1 other person’s Flipgrid, with a 30 sec. - 1 minute long response.