Lesson 1: The Story So Far: The History of Gun Legislation in America

Focus on Listening

Learning Objectives (SWBAT = Students Will Be Able To)

Materials Needed:

Full lesson plan on Google Docs:   

Lesson Plan #1


Activity: Vocab Match & Lecture on the purpose of militias

Time: 15-20 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: 1 & 3


Pre-Listening Activity

Activity: Listening to Youtube Video: [A] 00:00 to 04:30

Time: 25-30 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: 1


Optional: During and after the first viewing, there will be a break to provide students with the opportunity to ask any questions about the material. 

Scaffolding: For additional support for students, give them the video transcript and ask them to follow along. 

Post-Listening Activity

Activity: Does It Match? Guess: True or False?

Time: 20 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #1 & #2 


Wrap Up/Application/Homework

Activity: What I Found Interesting!

Time: 25 minutes

Learning Objectives targeted: #4


Concluding Lesson 1 - Guiding the Class into Lesson 2: As well as this, be sure to highlight the fact that amending the Constitution is a very difficult thing to accomplish in the modern Senate, and amending the Bill of Rights is unprecedented. As such, the exact interpretation of the second amendment was left up to the states.

       After this, provide a brief preview of the next lesson and an overview of the homework.