What does Gender Equality look like?

Lesson Details

    Title of Lesson: What does Gender Equality look like? (Speaking)

    Listening Skills and Strategies in focus: Reflection & Presentation

    Learner Level:  B2 & C1

    Length of Lesson: 90 minutes

Materials Needed:

Warm up: Chalkboard/whiteboard, chalk/dry-erase markers

Reading: Computers or print sheets of the article

Practice: Paper and pencils, One handout for each group (Appendix C)

Presentation: N/A

Wrap up: One handout for each student (Appendix D)

Learning Objectives/ Students will be able to: 

(1) Engage in a class discussion on the previous lesson

(2) Read articles in groups

(3) Write a script based on the article they read

(4) Grade peers based on a rubric

(5) Present skit in front of peers


Activity: Review Exit tickets

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: Chalkboard/whiteboard, chalk/dry-erase markers

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Learning Objective(s) Targeted:

(1) Engage in a class discussion on the previous lesson


Activity: Grouping and Reading

Time: 15-20 minutes

Materials: Computers or print sheets of the article

Article Link: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/05/five-stories-that-show-women-fighting-sexism-around-the-world/ 

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Story options are:

Learning Objective(s) Targeted:

(2) Read articles in groups


Activity: Script writing and Editing

Time: 30-35 minutes

Materials:  Paper and pencils, One handout for each group (Appendix C)

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Learning Objective(s) Targeted:

(3) Write a script based on the article they read

(4) Grade peers based on a rubric

Sample Skit

Article: “My husband accuses me of abandoning our children”


Student #1 (Laura Bosnea)

Student #2 (Interviewer)


S2: Hello, Laura thank you for meeting with me!

S1: No problem!

S2: Tell me about your marriage. 

S1: When I got married my father made me promise to finish law school, but I had kids and I couldn't continue.

S2: That sounds difficult.It seems like you have found a way to make a difference in your community despite the challenges.

S1: Yes, I got involved in community affairs and in 2015 I was elected into the local council. My husband accuses me of abandoning our children, but my purpose is to help others and fight for justice.

S2: What are some of your accomplishments as counselor? 

S1: 79 Roma children have been registered in schools, street lights have been installed as well as garbage bins.

S2: Wow! That's amazing! Thank you for meeting with me!

S1: Thank you for having me!


Activity: Act out script to different groups

Time: 20-25 minutes

Materials: N/A

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Learning Objective(s) Targeted:

(5) Present skit in front of peers


Activity: Assign final projects

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: Exit ticket sheets

Steps & Teacher Directions: 

Learning Objective(s) Targeted:



Braun, N. (n.d.). Five stories that show women fighting sexism around the world. World Economic Forum. 

Appendix A

Exit Ticket

Appendix C

Skit Rubric & Directions: 


In your group write a script based on the reading your group had. You will have to act out this script so make sure that each student has a part in the story. 

Appendix D

Final Project Directions
