Students will be able to...
... formulate the experience they had with their 7-day sustainability challenge and present it to the class
... identify positive, neutral, or negative aspects of the challenges they had
... listen for detail in a video about trash island
... learn about the lasting impact of plastic use
... engage in critical thinking as they formulate an argument concerning topics in sustainability
... listen to their classmates for content
... formulate questions/responses based on their classmate’s argument
... identify the major contributors to carbon pollution drawing from their previous knowledge
... formulate questions using synonyms and other vocab
The students will report back on their weekly challenges and discuss ideas about them.
Students will learn about the impact that plastic can have on the environment by learning facts about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, AKA Trash Island
In teams, students will debate the pros and cons of various ways to implement sustainable goals.
Let's play Taboo!