In this lesson sudents will watch the Adobe Spark videos, give presentations ascociated with the video, and expand on the conversations with questions or concerns.
Full lesson plan on Google Docs:
Steps & Teacher Directions:
The teacher will be in charge of playing the Adobe Spark video for each group
Make sure that all videos are submitted and, if possible, buffer ahead of time
Take the first five minutes of class to reiterate the format for the student-led presentations
Each group will start by showing their video
Next, the groups will give a brief presentation about their video and research findings
Presentations will conclude with a discussion question and optional Q&A
Activity: Presentations
This activity will have students reflect on what they learned while listening to their peers and learning from them.
Presentation Time
Students present a video they made collaboratively in Adobe Spark and then give a 3-5 minute presentation on their topic.
Students will follow the presentation with a discussion question as well as open the floor to the class for Q&A
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Each group will begin by presenting their Adobe Spark video. (Grading Rubric for teacher: Appendix A)
Wrapping Up
Steps & Teacher Directions:
Last questions, comments, and concerns.