Minimalism Videos

Length of Activity : 15 minutes

Materials: notebooks, writing utensils (for note-taking); laptops (optional)

Learning Objectives: 

1. SWBAT tell what minimalism is and how is it related to sustainability

2. SWBAT distinguish between the two approaches to video-making introduced 

3. SWBAT identify which approach to video-making fits their video-making project the most 

Note: Since this lesson is all about video making, this activity includes 2 very short videos related to sustainability, specifically having to do with minimalism. Initially, the teacher explains what the activity is all about, and what is to be expected from the videos. Then students watch the videos and discuss how they are similar or different, and borrow ideas for making their own videos. 


1.  Introduction: The instructor lets students know that they will be watching two short videos on minimalism as examples of videos that could be shot on the topic of sustainable lifestyle.

2. Watching videos: The instructor plays video 1 and then video 2 (see links below). The videos demonstrate different approaches to telling about the same topic. The students are asked to pay attention to the peculiarities of the videos and the ways they are filmed. Students are encouraged to take notes.

3. Discussion: In small groups (3-5 students) the class discusses what they saw and how the two approaches to film-making are different.

4. Summing up: The instructor writes down "Video 1" and "Video 2" on the board and asks the class for their ideas on the advantages and drawbacks of the two videos.

5. Conclusion: Finally, the instructor lets students know that the videos they saw were two examples of how professional short videos could be filmed, and that in the next assignment the class will have a chance to take a look at an example of non-professional video.


Video 1: 

Video 2: