Edward Cascarino

Head of Psychology

BSc (Hons) Criminology with Psychology, Portsmouth University, UK

PGCE Brighton, UK

Edward has 5 years teaching experience, starting his career and training at an outstanding IB school in the UK. There, he was successful enough in his training year to be promoted to Head of House, promoting Academics, Arts, Sports and Service amongst the whole school. After two years of very successful IB Psychology results, Edward moved to HCMC and began an international career in teaching. In his previous role Edward led the IB Psychology curriculum and was quickly promoted to TOK Coordinator. Through this experience Edward developed a deeper understanding of the IB curriculum and the profound impact it has on its students. Now, through these experiences, Edward is one of the IB's greatest advocates. In August 2021, Edward joined BIS HCMC as Head of Psychology where he aims to promote both a love of psychology and a love for learning. Outside of the classroom, Edward has many interests, especially playing the guitar, playing football and travelling around the world.