Amelia Kirby 

Assistant Head Teacher, Junior Campus

National Professional Qualification for Headship, Teachfirst, UK 

LL.B. Law – honours, The University of Bristol, UK 

QTS, Canterbury Christchurch University, UK 

Amelia joined BIS HCMC in 2023 as Primary Assistant Head Teacher, having previously taught and led in schools across the UK and in Kuala Lumpur. She joined TeachFirst straight after her law degree, having discovered the joy of teaching by volunteering in local schools. Initially she thought she would only teach for a couple of years but quickly realised it was the best job in the world and far more exciting than law. 14 years later she is still teaching, having trained as SENDCo and moved into leadership. A life-long learner, she is currently completing her NPQH. As a child of teachers, Amelia grew up living in Buenos Aires and Toulouse and is energised and excited by discovering new cultures, languages and especially food with her family. She loves to read and is passionate about sharing her joy of reading with others. She is very happy when near water and will be found in the swimming pool or sea wherever possible.