Carys Edwards

EAL Teacher

BA (Hons) Spanish Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK 

Trinity Cert TESOL certificate, Lewis School of English, Southampton, UK 

Postgraduate Certificate in Education International, University of Nottingham, UK 

Carys joined BIS in 2023, bringing her passion for education and languages to the team. With a background in English as an Additional Language (EAL), Carys started her career in Barcelona, Spain, where she discovered her love for teaching and exploring different cultures. Growing up in a multicultural family, with roots in the Catalunya region, Carys developed a strong connection to her family and a fascination for languages. She speaks fluent Spanish, which she studied during her undergraduate degree. Seeking new adventures, Carys moved to Saigon after her sister convinced her to explore Asia. Falling in love with the city instantly, Saigon not only expanded her EAL career but also deepened her knowledge of South East Asia. In her free time, Carys indulges in her hobbies of rescuing street cats, practicing yoga and Pilates, and embarking on exciting adventures by motorbike. She also enjoys learning new languages and has acquired some basic Vietnamese skills along the way.