Francisco Correia

Head of Design & Technology

BA (Hons) Furniture & Related Products, Kent Institute of Art & Design, UK

PGCE Secondary Design & Technology, University of Greenwich, UK

An experienced teacher with over 14 years of teaching, Francisco joined the BIS community in 2021, along with his wife and two children, having previously taught in the UK, the United Arab Emirates, and Brunei. Born in Lisbon, Portugal, he completed his degree in Furniture Design, before quickly moving on to his PGCE. Once a student in an international school, Francisco always planned to teach in an international setting, specifically in Asia, a continent he spent many years in during his childhood. This is reflected in his teaching, where he aims to develop students into critical, analytical, and global citizens, capable of challenging the norm. Outside of school, Francisco spends most of his time with his family, but also enjoys cooking, travelling, taking the opportunity to explore different cultures and food, as well as pursuing his passion for photography.