Ignacio Lorenzo

Mathematics Teacher

Bachelor in Marine Sciences (First Class with Honors), University of Vigo 

European Doctoral Thesis in Marine Sciences (First Class with Honors). University of Vigo 

Pedagogic Aptitude Certificate,  Physics and Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 

Ignacio studied Marine Sciences at the University of Vigo (Spain), where he graduated with distinction. He continued his academic career at the same university while preparing a PhD in ecotoxicology and has completed collaboration projects at different universities during his postdoctoral research. Ignacio then worked for five years at two multinational companies.

He soon realised how much he was missing teaching and decided to return to education. Ignacio has taught mathematics for twelve years in various international schools, in Belgium, Beijing and Shanghai. He is looking forward to joining BIS and discovering the great opportunities that HCMC has to offer. Ignacio loves playing board games and watching fantasy series or movies. He also enjoys playing badminton, listening to music and watching a good theatre performance. However, sharing a good cup of coffee or a tasty meal with a group of friends is his favourite pastime.