Sarah Curran

Deputy Head Teacher, EY&I Campus

    BEd (Hons) Early Years with Science, University of Oxford, UK

National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) UK

Sarah started working in BIS HCMC in 2015 but started teaching in 1995, gaining her NPQH in 2009. She taught in inner-city schools in London and Bristol, as well as village schools in Norfolk and Wales, before becoming Head Teacher of Rhigos Primary School in 2010. She also spent two years lecturing on ICT in education, and is enthusiastic about the use of modern technology to enhance learning. Sarah is passionate about early years education and helps our students to become confident, creative, and imaginative learners. 

Away from school, Sarah enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter. She also likes sewing, travel, Pickleball and trying something new.