Chris McKelvie

Deputy Head Teacher, Junior Campus

Bachelor of Education – Physical Education and Geography Majors - Griffith University

After almost 20 years teaching in British schools, both in England and internationally, Chris and his, at that time, young family (wife Nicole, son Matthew and Daughter Teaghan) arrived in Vietnam, eager to start working at BIS HCMC. Originally teaching at BIS in Year 4, Chris had the role of class teacher and Milepost 2 Leader for two years, then moving to Year 6 to become Milepost 3 Leader. After his year in Year 6, Chris moved on to become the Assistant Head of Primary on what was then AP1, and has now been in his current role of Deputy Head Teacher, Junior Campus, for the past five years and loves every minute of it. From Brisbane, Australia, originally, Chris has worked in London, Kuwait, Shanghai and Taipei, but is very honoured to now call Vietnam home and is looking forward to continuing to do so for some time yet. There is no other place he would rather work than at BIS HCMC due to the amazing community around the school, and the amazing students we have.