Hannah Doughty

Year 1 Teacher

BA Education Studies with Art, University College Worcester, UK

PGCE, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, UK

Over the past 20 years, Hannah has had enormous pleasure teaching from Nursery through to Year 6, predominantly teaching Reception and Key Stage One. She spent five years teaching in Amsterdam and Switzerland in international and bilingual schools. She is passionate about teaching this age; exciting and immersing children in rich, creative learning experiences that challenge and inspire them to be the best they can be. Throughout her career, Hannah has taken responsibility for Art, Music, RE and Forest School. Her biggest passions are Music and Art and in school she takes any opportunity to impart these.

Outside of the classroom, Hannah loves to play her clarinet and piano which she has played since she was very young. Her other interests include cooking, singing, horse riding and skiing. Vietnam has been a very exciting move for her family, and they are enjoying experiencing all that Vietnam has to offer!