Collective nouns, or collectives (family, team, couple, etc.), tend to be plural when the component members are considered separately and singular when the group is handled as a unit:

            a score were present

            an army marches on its stomach

The plural often prevails when humans are concerned:

            The couple are. . . .

The decision between singular and plural is frequently writer's choice.   Once the number is established, be consistent:

            My family trusts only people it knows

            my family trust only people they know

            Smith's team works long hours in the hot sun,

                        but it [not they] always maintains an esprit de corps.

             Piersma's team works fast; the scientists [not they] prepare

                        a net to be fired by mortars

            The enemy wasn't interested merely in conquest; it [not they] wanted

                        to wipe Aguateca off the map.

Generally speaking, a number, a fraction, or a quantity of things is singular if considered as a mass (10 gallons is enough) and plural if considered as separate units (10 dishfuls were slowly doled out).

Generally use a plural verb when human beings are implied:

            Half the wine is enjoyed ...

            Half of these people are engaged ...

            35 percent of the bread goes ...

            35 percent of the grapes go ...