Do not use quotation marks with indirect discourse, thoughts, a rhetorical question, or imagined conversation. Generally, a question following an introductory element begins with a capital letter though informal or short ones may not; however, a comma is often used to set off the question from the preceding clause:

            Tom told Huck they had to do it that way because the books said so.

            What is Bob doing here? Sally wondered.

             OK, you say, but is there really any other choice?

             We thought suddenly, We have seen this place before.

             Joe's question is, What do we do now?

             Sam wondered, what for?

             "You go back to Augusta wondering, What can I do?" says Roy.

             As she asked herself, How am I going to pay for this? she looked thoughtfully at John.

Do not use quotation marks with yes and no and other such words in indirect discourse:

            He could never say no to a woman.

In cases where an extended dialogue is given, or to distinguish between a speaker's thoughts and quoted language, quote marks may be added. Examples:  

But the soldiers aimed their weapons at his sons, and a female soldier gave the order to shoot. “Finish them, finish them,” she said. The brothers pleaded for their lives. “We’re just farmers,” they said. “Spare one of us to harvest and deal with the animals,” they begged. The soldiers spared the youngest, a 15-year-old, and executed the others, leaving their bodies in the field where they fell. 

What’s exciting to me is that instead of stepping forward and saying, “We are losing the bees, we have certain species that have gone extinct, are going extinct,” we’re coming forward to say, “Yes, this is how you have to protect.” You have to be more conscious of chemicals and deforestation.