Europe, geographical and political

National Geographic recognizes a commonly accepted division between Europe and Asia, formed by the Ural Mountains, Ural River, Caspian Sea, Caucasus Mountains, and the Black Sea, with its outlets, the Bosporus and Dardanelles. 

central Europe, central European nation:  This geographic designation is inexact but generally includes:

            Germany, Austria, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary,

            and sometimes Switzerland and Slovenia.

While Europe was politically divided into Western Europe (non-Communist) and Eastern Europe (Communist), the term central Europe is now gaining popularity.

Western Europe:  Capitalize in a historical context when referring to the political entity of noncommunist Europe after World War II.  Geographically, that region is western and part of central Europe (western Europe).

Eastern Europe:  Capitalize in a historical context when referring to the political entity of communist Europe after World War II.  Geographically, the region is eastern and part of central Europe (eastern Europe).

            continent of Europe

            European continent

            the Continent

            northern Europe (geographic entity)

When the Maastricht Treaty on European Union went into effect November 1, 1993, what was known as the European Community became the European Union, or EU. On second reference EU (without periods) is acceptable. 

Capitalize the term union only when it is used in the full name:

            the European Union

            the union

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