Albums of music (complete) whether records, tapes, or CDs
Book titles (except for sacred books such as the Bible, Quran, Torah, which are roman without quotation marks)
Computer software and CD-ROM and other multimedia product titles (except applications programs such as WordPerfect)
Epics or long poems
Lecture series
Magazines whether print or electronic (initial the in roman, lowercase), National Geographic
Movies and documentary films
Newspapers (initial the in roman, lowercase)
Operas, operettas, oratorios, musical comedies, and symphonies (See also MUSIC TITLES and SYMPHONIES.)
Plays and stage shows
Television or radio series (See also TELEVISION (other).)

2. Roman within quotation marks

Articles from books and journals, including NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Chapters of books
Comic strips
Maps (For NGS maps see MAP REFERENCES.)
Online features
Paintings, sculptures, and other works of art
Pamphlets and leaflets
Radio and television episodes within series (See also  TELEVISION (other).)
Short films, cartoons
Short musical compositions–hymns, songs, national anthems, individual selections within albums or tapes (See also MUSIC TITLES and SONGS.)
Skits, short poems, short stories
Unpublished manuscripts

3. Translations of titles of books and newspapers remain in the same typeface as the original reference:

Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis–Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot
La Divina Commedia–The Divine Comedy
Zëri i Popullit (Voice of the People)–the party newspaper

Translations of titles of songs, poems, paintings, and other works that are written in roman and quoted are treated in the same way:

The Israeli national anthem, "Ha-Tikva," or "The Hope."
Goethe's "Willkommen und Abschied" ("Welcome and Farewell").

It is not necessary to italicize foreign-language titles that are placed within quotation marks.

4. After a possessive immediately preceding a title, omit initial A or The of a title:

            Dickens's Tale of Two Cities, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.

If a possessive does not immediately precede the title, an article is usually retained:

            In Marco Polo's book, The Description of the World, lower classes are rarely mentioned.

5. An initial article may also be dropped if an adjective and another article precede the title:

            the humorous Midsummer Night's Dream.

6. Capitalized and roman:

Ancient or historical manuscripts (Madrid Codex, Book of the Dead)



Photo series or a photographer's long-term project (Stephen Wilkes's Day to Night series)