






Officers Capitalize a title when it immediately precedes a personal name; otherwise lowercase:

National Geographic television

Publications and products



the National Geographic Society

the National Geographic, the Geographic; a Geographic photographer

the Society, your Society

NGS (used in credit lines)

National Geographic Society headquarters

a National Geographic Society–sponsored expedition

a National Geographic–sponsored expedition

Society members, fellow members, member families, life member

Chairman of the Board Jean Case; Jean Case, chairman of the board; board chairman, the chairman

CEO Gary E. Knell; the president, the CEO, the chief executive officer

senior vice president

Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg; Susan Goldberg, editor in chief

board of trustees, the trustees, a trustee, the board

National Geographic (do not use Channel)

National Geographic Films

National Geographic Giant Screen Films

National Geographic Kids Entertainment

National Geographic Home Entertainment

National Geographic Digital Motion (formerly NG Film Library)

National Geographic Enterprises

National Geographic Maps (NG Maps)

National Geographic Music & Radio

National Geographic U.S. Channel

National Geographic Channels International

board of directors

National Geographic magazine, the magazine

National Geographic History

National Geographic Adventure, Adventure (defunct)

National Geographic Traveler, Traveler

National Geographic Kids (formerly World magazine)

National Geographic Little Kids

National Geographic Explorer! (omit exclamation in editorial copy)

National Geographic Young Explorer


National Geographic Atlas of the World, NG atlas, the atlas

National Geographic Index, the index

the Special Publication America’s Sunset Coast

National Geographic Books

National Geographic Specials on PBS, TV Specials, Television Special

EXPLORER (name of documentary series before June 2003)

Explorer (National Geographic Channel's documentary series)

GEOBEE (CD-ROM and software)

NG Connect 

Radio Expeditions

Climate Connections

TOPO! Interactive Maps series; TOPO! Washington, a CD-ROM set

Overheard at National Geographic (podcast)

National Geographic Digital

National Geographic Society Education Foundation, Education Foundation, the foundation

National Geographic Conservation Trust

National Geographic Bee, the Bee

National Geographic World Championship

Geographic Alliance Network, the alliance

Kentucky Geographic Alliance, the alliance

state geographic alliances, alliances

Genographic Project

Grosvenor Council, the council

Grosvenor Fund for Geography Education

JASON Project

National Geographic Expeditions (Do not shorten to Geographic Expeditions)

National Geographic Live! (For references in text, use National Geographic Live or Nat Geo Live)

National Geographic All Roads Film Project

National Geographic All Roads Photography Program

National Geographic Museum at Explorers Hall (formerly Explorers Hall)

Sustainable Seas Expeditions

Expeditions Council

Explorer-in-Residence Program

Emerging Explorers Program, Emerging Explorer Jill Pruetz

National Geographic Fellow Andrew Zolli

Preserve Our Planet

Afghan Girls Fund

National Geographic Girls' Education and Training Center in Kabul

Research, Conservation, and Exploration (RCE) Group comprises:

            Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE, the Research Committee),

            Conservation Trust (CT),

            Expeditions Council (EC),

            Center for Sustainable Destinations (CSD)


            1145 17th Street NW

            Washington, DC 20036-4688



            PO Box 98199

            Washington, DC 20090-8199


            1-800-548-9797 (TDD)


Magazine fulfillment:

            PO Box 63002

            Tampa, FL 33663-3002


            1-800-548-9797 (TDD)


Product fulfillment:

            PO Box 10041

            Des Moines, IA 50340-0041



Videos and DVDs:



Note that the shortened name Nat Geo may be acceptable on some platforms, particularly audio and streaming. However, it is preferred to spell out the full name National Geographic when referring to our publications, stories, or contributors.