A colon, which is usually preceded by an independent clause, introduces a restatement, an amplification, an explanation, or a list or series.

Use a colon when there is no connective or one like "the following" or "as follows:"

            He has a few things to do: work, loaf, sleep, read, and eat.

Do not use a colon after a conjunction or a preposition, or to separate the verb from what follows.







With quotations: A quotation of more than normal length (two sentences or more) is usually preceded by a colon. A shorter quotation is ordinarily preceded by a comma. However, a very short quotation may not need punctuation:

            The dog cried "Yap!"

A quotation preceded by a verb that has a direct object requires a colon:

            She murmured her reply: "Bring soft drinks next time."

A quotation that is not introduced by a verb of saying (comment, shout, murmur, say, etc.) is preceded by a colon:

            He pointed: "Look at the moon!"

With capitalization: Capitalize a complete sentence that follows a colon or a statement or list that is long and involved, even if it is not a sentence:

            Some riddles have always haunted men: Where did the moon come from? Of what is it made?

Slang includes such terms as: hassle, the pits, right on.

Slang includes such terms as hassle, the pits, right on.

The topic of tonight's lecture is: Will issue editors adopt the carefully revised Style Manual?