That was fast...

I bet you weren't expecting another post so soon. As it turns out I have an incredible husband. Don't get too excited, though, it's a short one.

Bill and Liam finished the closet in our bedroom. (The hardwood floor guy is going to finish the floors when he comes for the Adirondack room.) No more totes with fall clothes, no more suit cases with summer clothes - now everything fits on my side. Bill's side looks just the same...except then you would see that my husband owns more shoes than I do (when he saw this he promptly told me to go and buy more shoes, instead I went to Michaels and bought more yarn for hats). For the record, my sneakers and work shoes are in the laundry room, I DO own more than 4 pairs of shoes...but not that many more.

I just want to point out that Bill spent months finding just the right kind of brackets. They are handmade by some guy...I'll update with the website later. Then he bought beautiful oak planks that he sanded and I stained. I love how every project is a group effort.

Our bedroom is nearly done...Bill keeps promising me he is going to make a door. He did buy the wood recently...and even hinges, I believe. Until then, this lovely curtain has been our privacy maker since November-ish, when we moved into this room.

NOT COMPLAINING. Just pointing out that there are still so many projects that need to get done. Today we are working on the railing for the stairwell to the second floor (and when I say we, I naturally mean Bill). Our building permit expires in three days and that is the final element that needs to be completed. First things first - of course.

As it turns out, rain thwarted my efforts to be outside, so Bill and I both worked on the railing. He used his new chop saw (Thanks, David) to trim the ends.

As the in-house painter, I stained it. Polyurethane is next, then to install on the actual wall. We bought a stud-finder thing-a-ma-bob for that. Fun!