Another one bites the dust...

I have to admit...I feel pressure to come up with clever titles and when I am posting every day and I've been breathing Kilz all day, the brain cells struggle. And so...another few brain cells have bit the dust and look what we found today.

There's nothing like pulling off some loose siding to find the sill all rotted from water damage and eaten by carpenter great. I'm sure Bill has a plan for this. I don't want to talk about it.

I spent a good chunk of today priming what will most likely be the guest room. I kind of hated painting over the lovely, warm yellow, but every surface of this house must be primed with Kilz. Just does. Finn and I say we should choose a similar color to paint the room. Bill says it's too soon to talk color - I don't blame him - did you see that sill up there? He's got bigger problems.

Oh. I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who donated sheets to my efforts. I am so grateful and I use them every day. See!

Primed (view from French doors)

Before priming (view from room hallway door)

You know you are spending too much time at Home Depot when your kids want to be a part of the display....

Today Finn wanted a 'picnic' dinner at the house. My mom joined us. It was really nice to eat dinner on the back patio - the only thing missing was Bill. We'll get him over here soon.