New Penny

In the 1997 movie version of Titanic, when Jack Dawson puts on the suit of Molly Brown's son she says he "shine[s] up like a new penny." I thought of this when I got home from work on Friday and the painters were finishing up most of the second coat all over the Butter Firkin. It was literally gleaming in the sunlight.

Sadly, my contractor has been on vacation...or just elsewhere for two entire weeks, so there are four rotten boards on the front of the house that are horrible eye sores. The painters will come back once they are replaced to paint them, but the rest of the house looks amazing.

I cannot say enough good things about our painters, Santiago and Sons. The whole family comes: husband, wife, son, nephew, and a couple of others on the crew. They are kind, courteous, and pay attention to every detail. They even threw in the bilco doors, which we did not have in our budget - they were AMAZING. (And, answered every single one of Finn's burning questions, for which I am always eternally grateful.)

Try to NOT look at the rotten boards...

Here is my attempt to show you JUST the gleaming Butter Firkin...

Gleaming bilco doors...

See how they shine?

Everything looks...well...beautiful.

The under part here was TOTALLY peeling, it's gorgeous now...and one day there won't be a dumpster in my front yard.

Today I spent the entire day cleaning out all of our things from my mother's. We moved out two weeks ago, but I haven't had a second to go back and really get all of our odds and ends out.

Would it surprise you to find out that there were TEN socks under Finn's bed? No. I didn't think so. There were a lot of other things, too. You would have thought we lived there for a year, not three and a half months. Do you see him scootering on the porch here? He LOVES to do this. I know Bill worries he will leave marks...but I love that Finn loves SOMETHING about the Firkin, so I'll take it. Scoot away, child, scoot away.

If you thought renovating the Butter Firkin was stressful, try chaperoning a high school homecoming dance! That nearly stopped me dead on Saturday, but apparently I'm made of tougher stuff and I live to tell the tale...and really, the tale is that my son had a great night and that is all that matters. AND, I baked cookies for the dance for the first time in the Firkin and everyone loved them. So, for me, it's a win.

I heart is a puddle, yours? They are just the best two kids you've ever met. We are lucky people.

Nobody even guessed they were dairy and nut free. Ha! Take that food allergies!

If only I could make all his moments this care free and full of joy. We will take them as they come.

On a less joyful note, our water issues haven't totally resolved. Whenever we run the sprinklers for an extended period, we get cloudy, murky water. You can't really tell...but, I assure you, my tub bottom is white, and there's about an inch of yellowish water in there when this photo was taken. It's a bit of pain. I admit, I get a little cranky about it. But, the well folks assure us, this will pass. So...I shall grin and bare it...not really grinning, just barely baring it.

When you move into a new place, even if it's 180 years old AND in a state of moderate (to extreme) disrepair, you can't help but notice what condition all of your things are in. For instance, placing my beat up, scratched to heck white (ish) IKEA dishes in my gorgeous, pristine, newly painted VERY white cabinets was almost painful.

Just the other day we needed to buy Liam new sheets because he upgraded to a queen from a twin and this was painful in two ways. One: the cost of quality sheets brought tears to my eyes and two: because I have a king sized bed I knew getting new sheets for myself and Bill was out of the question.

Nobody laments about these things. I'm sure if my brain were wired like Bill's we would be sleeping on new sheets tonight. But, because I hem and haw over every cent, put facebook shout outs to borrow tools instead of buying them, spend eternities hand painting cabinets because it will save something...we don't have new sheets.

BUT, then I remembered the MOST AMAZING THING. My stepmom started a business not too long ago, SELLING SHEETS!!! Okay, I know you're wondering, "how do you forget a thing like that?" But, in my defense, it's a side gig, and she sells other things. My stepmom also runs a STELLAR airbnb, which got her in the business of researching and sharing out the best products in that market - sheets, soaps, you name it. But I digress. I sent her a message, detailing my lament and guess who is getting king size sheets sent on Tuesday at the FAMILY mega discount??? The Butter Firkin. Yep. If you want some amazing sheets and things, check out her site: The Suite Mindset.

I'll end on a super cute note. Here's my nephew frollicking (? possibly) in the burp cloths I made for him. How is this Firkin related? I tie dyed them here at the Firkin this summer. Man, that little guy is cute. A lot of heart melting moments this weekend...

Okay, friends. My contractor is expected to return this week, so get ready for THINGS TO HAPPEN!! That means posts! Yay! And possibly me having the opportunity to unpack boxes in their rightful destination... And, I don't want anyone to get the idea I am unhappy with my contractor. There may have been some miscommunication about his return date, and was that frustrating? Heck yes. But, I still love working with him. I trust him with my house, I trust him around my kids, my dog, my cats. I know my family and belongings are safe with him. I know he won't cheat us. I know he would come back if there were ever a problem with something he did. All those things are worth waiting around for him.