Back to School

I am one of those people who actually loves going back to school/work in the fall. I love my job. I love my summer breaks, but I fully enjoy the challenge of coming up with new and engaging library adventures for my students...but not this year. I can truly say I dreaded each day in August that drew me closer to the first day of school. It meant that I would have to turn in my summer uniform, pictured here (grey yoga pants, heavily stained with paint - I had two pairs - and a handful of t-shirts, also stained with paint) for actual clothes, mostly not stained with the occasional salad dressing or almond butter dollop. It meant I would no longer have hours and hours to spend in the Firkin dedicated to a singular task, like those damn cabinets.

In fact, since I went back to school on Tuesday, I have only popped by the Butter Firkin to feed the cats and snap a mere picture or two...sigh...

BUT DO NOT FRET!!! We, our unit of 4, are determined to get moved in around the 13th. My teenager has recruited a hoard of his friends to come over and empty the pack rat. It WILL BE DONE. I am confident. I have no plans this weekend other an buying food for my family to eat and finishing the dog gone CABINETS.

Speaking of which...let me tell you a little story...remember how I slaved over painting the kitchen cabinets with two coats of primer AND two coats of paint? Good, that is good back story to have for the following....

On Monday, Labor Day, my official last day of summer vacation, I decided to take the day off. The night before I promised the boys I would not do ANY work at the Firkin, we would go anywhere they wanted, eat what they wanted, and just chill. They wanted a trampoline park (bc it was raining) and Chipotle. Done. We go, we spend the day leisurely enjoying NOT painting or cleaning, but jumping and buying fun socks (because who doesn't buy fun socks on their day off?). On the way home we have to stop at the Firkin and pick up our dog (longer story as to why he was there) and I find THIS. Under the sink, my freshly painted cabinets SAWZALLED to pieces, my sink plumbing butchered, tools all over....and no note or text from the person who decided to show up on a holiday and work explaining what was going on and how long my kitchen was going to look like this. (I will keep this particular worker's name/business out of this bc I'm a decent person, it was NOT my contractor, he does not leave a place like this.) Needless to say...I was...

Lucky for EVERYONE, when I got out of work the next day, this person was finishing up what he started - my sink and cabinet were put back together, although, not perfectly, and both Bill and I are a little miffed about this...but there is still work to be done and we don't want to burn any bridges, you know? I'm getting really good at hiding my rage and frustration. I haven't started drinking alcohol...but...I don't know, there's only so long my angelic, good nature is going to hold up. Also, there's also only so long my body can withstand all the carbs...

This would be a good time to plug Bucky's Bagels. These guys got me through the summer...and I suspect they will get me through the fall, winter, and spring...I have friends who work at Bucky's and sometimes, even though I know a bagel is not good for what I call my "food baby" I sometimes just go to have a talk "sesh." It would just be rude to not get a bagel or muffin.

Bagels and Oreos...I don't know what's worse...possible diabetes or liver damage from the drinking I don't do but think about....kidding, kidding. School is back in session so I am back to healthy lunches and all that. Bleh, bleh, bleh.

Let's see some house stuff! Yeah!!

I came home to the Butter Firkin today, to find ALL of the windows installed! Yes, all of them. They are not finished. If you look closely at the indoor shots, all the trim work around the windows needs to be done, but they are INSTALLED. There such a sense of "we're all sealed in tight" that I don't know how to reminds me of a ziploc bag...but in a good way...because, just now, the image of my family in a ziploc bag got really bleak, really fast. But the house. The house is all sealed up - which is what you want in a house. And, if you have been following along since the beginning, this house was ANYTHING but sealed up.

Liam's window over looking the side yard.

We shelled out for the more expensive windows on the front of the house.

In hindsight, I wish I shelled out for the more expensive window here. It looks better in person, but, it's a bit small. This window wasn't in the original replacement count and the job was getting extremely costly....

As you can see, all the downstairs windows have been replaced. I took this picture on Wednesday. Now, all the upstairs windows are replaced as well. In about 10 days we get the house will be so pretty!! Then doors...can you believe how much we've done in two months? Me either. And that's why there are so few pictures right now. Between soccer practices, lesson plans, attempting to create meals that are remotely nutritional, this is the best I can do right now.

Oh! My cook top finally got installed! Boy oh boy was it fun coordinating the installing of a propane tank AND a gas line. Did you know that two SEPARATE parties do this? One is done by a plumber and the other by the gas/propane company and never the twain shall meet. Lordy, I hope I never have to plan those kinds of shenanigans again. I swear a wedding is easier. But now...

Lights on.

Lights off.

ooo pretty...

Lastly, check out this NEXT LEVEL coolness...or nerdiness, your choice. We have found a few 'artifacts' on the property and I have decided to take them to school and make it a contest to see if kids can identify them. To model the process, I decided to research the hammer-like object we found. I contaced a hammer museum in Alaska and they wrote back!! Check out below!

Butter Firkin Straight Pein Hammer

In tact Straight Pein Hammer

Pretty cool, right???

Thanks to The Hammer Museum for getting back to me and helping me identify the hammer!!!