Indigenous Australian artist

Born in 1910, in Utopía.

Died in September 1996, in Alice Springs.

She was considered one of the greatest artists in Australia, an artist of national and international standing.

She started painting when she was old. She was over 70 years.

She was a very prolific artist. It is estimated that she produced over 3000 paintings in her eight years as a working artist.

Emily commenced painting in 1977, with technique in the batik silk and cotton batiks (canvas).

These images embrace the whole life story of myth, seeds, flowers, wind, sand and “everythings”.

Emily is one of the most successful artists to come out of Utopía, and she is arguably amongst the most important Australian painters of the last decade.

Her work is exhibited in all Australian state galleries and private collections and in exhibitions and collections around the world too.

PILAR BESTUÉ - English for Fun 3A