Slovenian academic painter, Adriana Maraz was born in Ilirska Bistrica, on the aged Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Republic of Yugoslavia, now Slovenia, in 1931.

She started her artistic career in the Goriska region. From 1949 until 1957, she studied painting and graphic art at the Academy of Fine Arts, with professor Maksim Sedej and with Gojmir Anton Kos and graphics with Rik Debenjak, in Ljubljana.

She was a member of the famous Group 69.

In the 1970s, she established her home through Yugoslavia and in the world. Above all, as a graphic artist, she developed the technique of colour etching by loading colorful graphic layers. Particularly famous were her graphics of Biedermeier sofas and chairs and other objects that a metaphor of consciousness about the passage of time, about the old and new, about the appearance and what lies behind him.

"Maraz imparts evocative personalities to her images of ninetieth century furniture, obtaining a rich, strong tactile effect with deeply etched intaglio prints". - The Tate Gallery 1980-1982 (Catalogue of Acquisitions, London 1984.

Her subjects have repeatedly anthropomorphic moves, since she once said to herself that "one of the cores of her creative distress the right need to meet a man, to reverse the curtain of indifference without declarative noise"

She had 28 solo exhibitions and has participated in the Graphic Arts Biennales in Ljubljana and in numerous group exhibitions.

She received several awards for her creation:

- Grand Prix at the second Norwegian International Print Biennale, in 1977.

- Slovenian awards as the JAKOPIC PRIZE in 1977, the award for achievements in children’s literature and the PRESEREN FUND AWARD, in 1983, for the artistic achievenements.

She died at the age of 83, in 2015.

Jesús Álvarez

English for Fun 4A