"She ran for candidate of El Salvador to encourage women to vote"

La P es para Prudencia Ayala, (El Salvador, 1885 – 1936) una mujer sin estudios y de origen indígena que pronto se dio cuenta de las desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres. Con un origen humilde se educó de manera autodidacta, escribió varios libros y fundó su propio periódico “Redención femenina” donde compartía sus ideales. Pero el escándalo llegó cuando en un país donde el voto de la mujer estaba vetado ella se presentó como candidata a la presidencia de El Salvador y luchar por el derecho de la mujer.

Prudencia Ayala (El Salvador, 1885 – 1936) was a Salvadorean writer, social activist and pioneer campaigner for women's rights in El Salvador. She came from a working-class Indigenous family. Despite never finishing her studies due to the lack of resources of her family, she progressed through self-teaching.

From 1913 she began to publish opinion pieces in Diary of the West. She was active in movements of anti-imperialism, feminism, and Central American reunification. In 1919 she was put in jail for the criticism in one of her columns, the mayor of Atiquizaya. In 1921 she published her book Escrible. Adventures of a trip to Guatemala, in which she narrated her trip to Guatemala during the last months under the dictatorship of Manuel Estrada Cabrera. In addition, she published the books Immortal, Amores de Loca (1925) y Fumada Mota (1928). During the final of the 1920s, she funded and ran the newspaper Rendencion Femenina, where she expressed her stance on the fight of women's rights.

She was the first woman to run for president in El Salvador and Latin America, when women didn’t even have the right to vote in her country.

Prudencia Ayala (El Salvador, 1885 - 1936) était une femme sans formation d'origine indigène qui a rapidement pris conscience des inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes. D'origine modeste, elle s'éduque, écrit plusieurs livres et fonde son propre journal "Redención femenina" où elle partage ses idéaux. Mais le scandale survient lorsque, dans un pays où le droit de vote des femmes fait l'objet d'un veto, elle se présente à la présidence du Salvador et se bat pour les droits des femmes.