"With no basic studies, in a self-taught way, she became one of the best astronomers in history"

La W es un homenaje a Williamina, es un hecho que las mujeres lo han tenido complicado a lo largo de la historia para ejercer algunos trabajos o estudiar algunas materias. Pero Williamina a parte de ser mujer, fue abandonada con un hijo, sin estudios y emigró a otro país.

Todo esto no la frenó para convertirse de manera autodidacta, en una de las mejores astrónomas de la historia, que le valieron a la fuerza el reconocimiento de la comunidad científica y un legado que sigue siendo parte fundamental de la astronomía moderna.

Williamina Fleming (Scotland, 1857 – USA, 1911) was a Scottish astronomer. After they had moved to Boston, her husband abandoned her and her young son.  She then worked as a maid in the home of Professor Edward Charles Pickering, the director of the Harvard College Observatory (HCO). Pickering's wife, Elizabeth, recommended Williamina as having talents beyond custodial and maternal arts, and in 1879, Pickering hired Fleming to conduct part-time administrative work at the observatory. In 1881, Pickering formally invited Fleming to join the HCO and taught her how to analyze stellar spectra. She became one of the founding members of the Harvard Computers, an all-women cadre of human computers hired by Pickering to compute mathematical classifications and edit the observatory's publications. She helped in the photographic classification of stellar spectra. Among several career achievements that advanced astronomy, Fleming is noted for her discovery of the Horsehead Nebula in 1888.

Williamina a été abandonnée avec un enfant, n'a pas reçu d'éducation et a émigré dans un autre pays.

Tout cela ne l'a pas empêchée de devenir, en autodidacte, l'une des meilleures astronomes de l'histoire, ce qui lui a valu la reconnaissance de la communauté scientifique et un héritage qui continue d'être un élément fondamental de l'astronomie moderne.