I'm going to talk about Majda Sepe. Who is she?

She was a successful Slovenian singer and here are some biographical touches:

Majda was born on 2nd July 1937, when Slovenia was a part of the Yugoslav Republic, and she died in 2006, when her country was already an independent nation.

Her family: father, mother and a brother, lived in Ljubljana Castel, an emblematic place inside the Slovenian capital.

As a teenager, Majda practiced dance and she wanted to be a singer and an actress, even she was a clothes model, showing a firm artist vocation.

Majda Sepe was a beautiful woman. She had blonde hair and big brown eyes… She looked like a Swedish woman.

As far as her music career is concerned, it began early, with 19 years of age when she made a music performance in Paris. In Slovenia, she became a genuine festival’s singer. Later, in 1962, she would get a 2nd place in the festival of Eurovision.

An important event in her life was her marriage with Mojmir Sepe, a Slovenian composer and song writer and, in the seventies, both of them are really famous.

What Kind of music did she make? It can be said that it is a mix of folkloric and festival music. Maybe her songs are not fashionable songs but I am sure that Majda had a very nice voice.

Finally, Majda died on 11th April 2006 at the age of 69. Months later, a great concert was performed in Ljubljana in her memory. She had always been loved from people of her country.

Ana Alquézar

English for Fun 4B