Margaret Eleanor Atwood was born on November 18, 1939 in Ottawa (Canada), she’s now 79 years old. Her father was a zoologist and her mother a nutritionist.

She married in 1969 for the first time, and in 1974 for the second time. She has a daughter.

She’s a writer; she started writing when she was 16. She writes poetry, novel, literary criticism, etc. She’s a university teacher and a political activist. She’s a member of International Amnesty and one of the people who preside over Birdlife International in defense of birds.

Currently she lives in Toronto and Pelee Island, in Ontario.

She’s a feminist writer, her most famous book is The Handmaid's Tale. Its message has hit hard globally, and the book is a best seller.

In 2018 he wrote a hard letter to the Argentine vice president for being against the interruption of pregnancy in case of rape.

She has received numerous awards, including the Prince of Asturias of Letters in 2008.

She has been nominated for the Novel Prize of Literature.

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