Anna Chromý

Pintora y Escultora / Painter & Sculptor

Anna Chromy is a painter and a sculptor from the Czech Republic.

She was born in Bohemia, on July 18th 1940. She grew up in Austria, lived in France and works in Italy.

She studied at the School of fine Arts in Paris. She also studied in Pietrasanta and Tuscany, where she has works in bronze foundries.

In Carrara she worked in the studio of Miguel Angelo, where she made several marble sculptures.

She is considered by many people the quintessential European essence. She has a great reputation in the surrealist world that she represents.

In 1992 she had a serious accident that caused her important injuries. She could not paint for eight years. Later, she returned to bronze and marble sculpture. Her best known is the Layer Cape, the Cloak of Conscience, Piety or Commander, which is located in the Cathedral of Salzburg (Austria). Other works are: Espíritu Olímpico, Olivier d’Or, Ulyses, etc.

As far as painting is concerned, she is inspired by music, opera in general, classical dance and ancient myths. She admires Salvador Dalí and other central European artists.

Her most famous painting are: To be or not to be, Eternal Love, Bell in Venice, Clown etc. She has obtained the Michelangelo price in 2008. Anna Chromy has revealed her inspiration in "empty layers" made in bronze, clay or marble, where she detaches the power of this symbol that could represent a new world.

Antonio Fayed

English for Fun 4B