Trachinus draco

דרקון שדי

Size range: 30-35 cm (max: 53 cm)

Common size: 25.0 cm SL male/unsexed;

Depth range: 1 - 150 m , usually 1 - 30 m.

Habitat: soft bottom - sand, mud, gravel.

Water column position: Benthic

Colors & patterns: The Back is light beige to brownish, the sides paler, belly pearly white. Often has some dark markings or spots on upper head and along the scales. Juveniles display blue lines and yellow blotches rather than oblique streaks. The anterior dorsal fin is black and contains venomous spines.


1. Reef-associated: often buried in the sand with eyes and tip of first dorsal fin exposed.

2. Activity: is chiefly nocturnal, at night swim around freely, even pelagically. Feed on small invertebrates and fishes.

3. Approach: easily approached though often buried in sand.

4. Breeding: Oviparous, spawning takes place in June and August, eggs and larval stages are pelagic (size 1 mm ).

Schooling characteristics: Solitary

Native/Exotic :Native to Mediterranean of Eastern Atlantic origin.

EM notes: