Sparisoma cretense

תוכידג כרתי

Size range: 20-35 cm

Common size: 30 cm (max: 50 cm)

Depth range: 1-20 m (max: 50 m)

Habitat: Hard - rocky, Vegetation - sea grass

Water column position: Supra-benthic

Schooling characteristics: Small groups

Colors & patterns: Jaws form a parrot-like 'beak'.

  • Females - Overall color is red to brownish. broad saddle-shaped yellow blotch on caudal peduncle.
  • Males - Overall color is grey. Dark blotch behind pectoral fin. 2 contrasting stripes on cheeks.
  • Juveniles - Uniformly brown, pretty mottled.


  1. Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Easily approached (mostly)

4. Unique behavior:-

5. Feeding characteristic - Algae and small invertebrates

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: In the visual surveys conducted by the lab, mostly seen in Rosh-Hanikra Achziv reserve.


Male (small individual is Symphodus mediterrianus)

Female (red) and male (grey)