Liza aurata

( = current formal name: Chelon auratus)

קִיפוֹן זָהֹב

Size range:Max. 55cm (Fishes of Europe and the mediterranean) | 59cm (Fishbase)

Common size: 35-40 cm (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean) | 30cm (FishBase.)

Depth range: 0-5m (20m ?) (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean)


  • Hard - rocky
  • Soft - sand

Water column position:

  • Pelagic-Neritic

Schooling characteristics:

  • schools

Colors & patterns:

  • A golden blotch on gill cover
  • often a smaller golden blotch behind eye
  • (no black spot on pectoral fin base)
  • back blue-grey
  • white belly
  • silvery sides
  • more or less visible dark longitudinal lines


  • Transient

2. Activity: (TBC)

3. Approach: (TBC)

4. Unique behavior: (TBC)

5. Feeding characteristic - zooplanktivore (juveniles), herbivore, detritivore, crustaceavore, occasionally insects

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.