Symphodus tinca

שפתון טווסי

Size range: (44cm - maximum recorded)

Common size: 30-35cm

Habitat: Hard, Vegetation (Rocky, covered with algae or seagrass)

Water column position:

Colors & patterns: very prominent, pointed lips. Distinct 'bump' between eye and snout.

Dark patch from lower part of eye to snout tip. 3 distinct longitudinal stripes, one along back. dark spot at the caudal penducle (sometimes faded or absent) . distinct sexual dimorphism when males are terminal.

  • Male: Terminal male: Wide dark patch above pectoral fin. Mostly Yellow, with red spots or blotches on irregular longitudinal lines. numerous blue spots, especially on fins.
  • Young: Uniform beige to light brown, Tail may be entirely dark (similarly to Symphodus melanocercus).

Behavior: Reef-associated. often indifferent to divers. male builds a nest from algae

Native/Exotic: native

Schooling characteristics: small groups (observed often in young)