Phycis phycis

Size range: 40-50 cm

Common size: 25 cm (max: 65 cm)

Depth range: 20-100 m (max: 600 m)

Habitat: Hard - rocky

Water column position: Benthic

Schooling characteristics: Solitary

Colors & patterns: A single chin barbel.

The pelvic fins are reduced to a bifid filament.

The snout is slightly prominent, the mouth is large.

Body is rather uniformly dark-brown to greyish.

The edges of the dorsal, anal and caudal fins often has a pale rim and a submarginal dark band.


  1. Cryptic - caves/crevices/overhangs

2. Activity: Nocturnal

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: -

5. Feeding characteristic: Small fish and various invertebrates

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: