Diplodus sargus

Size range: 20-30 cm

Common size: 22 cm

Depth range: 0-50 m


  • Hard - rocky reef
  • Vegetation - seagrass beds

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Colors & patterns:

  • Body shape: deep and compressed, the back is much more rounded than belly
  • Colors: dark vertical streaks (generally 9, can disappear) on silvery background. Gill cover with a black membrane. Black blotch on caudal peduncle rounded, saddle shaped, never reaching the lower edge. Caudal fin margins dark.


  • Reef-associated
  • Take refuge in caves or under large rocks
  • Diurnal (primarily at dawn)
  • Shy/keep distance

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups
  • Large schools

Feeding: Shellfish and other benthic invertebrates which it picks from the sediment

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: Diplodus sargus has 3 sub-species. The Diplodus sargus sargus exist only in the Mediterranean. The black bars usually disappear in the adults.

Can be confused with: Diplodus puntazzo