Taeniura grabata

מחבטן אפור

Size range: 50-100 cm disc width; 150 cm TL

Common size: 100 cm disc width

Habitat: Soft. Sandy bottoms, usually near caves and rocky reef.

Water column position: Benthic

Colors & patterns:

  • Rounder shape than other species of the family
  • Usually very dark colour without a pattern (or with some dark spots). Bottom is white.
  • Fold on bottom of tail


  1. Transient.
  2. Diurnal.
  3. Shy. Swims away quickly.
  4. Females during gestation are burrowed in the sand and hardly move.

Schooling characteristics: Small schools or solitary.

Native/Exotic: Native.

EM notes:

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin