Spicara maena

Shahar Chaikin

Size range: 20-23 cm (26 cm) - Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish Identification guide, Patrick Louisy

Common size: 10.3 FishBase


  • Hard - rocky
  • Soft - sand
  • Vegetation - sea grass meadows

Water column position:

  • Benthic - at night
  • Pelagic-Neritic during day time

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small to large groups

Colors & patterns: Focus on unique characteristics which distinguish the species from others, specify differences between:

  • Females - shorter BD
  • Males - longer BD and blue spots


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity:

  • Diurnal

3. Approach:

  • Indifferent

4. Unique behavior:

At night usually lies on the bottom, usually displays a marbled pattern



EM notes:


May be confused with: